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Thank you for your interest in starting an Internship Program with the 职业发展 Center at Kingsborough Community College. A well-designed internship program gives students a chance to explore 职业生涯 possibilities and develop skills needed to be successful in the future!

Designing an Internship Program

It is not difficult to develop a program for your organization. 实习可以是 付款或赊账. Paid internships do not require paperwork. 荣誉实习 require minimal paperwork. 学生 are responsible for completing the paperwork with you and their on-campus Supervisor.


Ask yourself the following questions to determine your qualifications, as an employer, for offering an internship:

  • Is the work appropriate and meaningful for a college student?
  • Will you offer sufficient learning opportunities?
  • Are the required skills and responsibilities challenging?
  • Are qualified supervisors on site and readily available?
  • Will you provide appropriate resources to do the job?

Additionally, the following criteria define the difference between interns and employees. This will help you determine whether an internship program is appropriate for your 目前需要:

  • A student cannot displace a regular employee.
  • Student interns are not guaranteed a job at the end of the internship.
  • Both employer and student know that monetary compensation during the internship is 可选.
  • Interns must receive training from the organization.
  • Training must be hands-on experience with equipment and processes used in the industry.
  • The training must primarily benefit the student, not the company.
  • Interns may not be classified as independent contractors because they require ongoing supervision and regular interaction with the employer.



When you are ready to hire an intern, develop a detailed position description. 你 may then post the position on Symplicity or send a detailed description of the position to internshipprogram@kbcc.城市大学.edu.

If you require more information on designing an internship or would like to set up a meeting to discuss other matters, please contact Marisa Joseph at  玛丽莎.joseph@kbcc.城市大学.edu .

Consider Micro-实习

As you consider your workforce needs in the coming months, please consider engaging our students in Micro-实习.  These short-term, professional projects offer you a just-in-time solution for immediate resource needs, while also complementing your campus recruitment efforts.

Not only do our students have the skills to provide support on these tasks, they are excited to do so as a way to demonstrate their abilities, learn about your organization, and prepare themselves to launch their 职业生涯s. And given the structure of this program, there are no administrative burdens - this gives you the flexibility to leverage this resource on-demand, which is especially important this summer.

Please click here to learn more:  http://info.parkerdewey.com/kbcc .


Please note that for any internship opportunities that require students to be on-site, documentation must be collected of COVID-19 risk mitigation protocols from the employer before finalizing placements.  If an employer cannot furnish such documentation or the protocols do not appear to comply with NYS standards, the student's internship plan must be revised to avoid on-site work.

In addition to documentation of COVID-19 risk mitigation protocols, students must complete a learning agreement for our records.

If you need assistance with any of required documentation, please don't hesitate to 利记下载.

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